Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best Birds 2015

This Osprey flew around with this, I believe Blue fish, til it was deadened. Greenwich, Conn.

Migrating birds this spring. Again, Western Tanagers for two weeks. So many I saw one at the Post Office in Abiquiu.

A Golden Eagle upstate and Blue Herons nesting in Massachusetts.

A Luna Moth in Virginia at Burger King.

Only a passing Spoonbill in Louisiana this year.

Vultures in Big Bend.

Buena Vista, CO

August Goldfinches in Abiquiu, NM

A Magpie in Colorado.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


The Western Tanagers, I think about 12 of them caused such a commotion they attracted these Orioles. They all started getting rather aggressive and unafraid even taking over the Hummingbird feeder.

Western Tanagers

Then all of a sudden they all arrived. When I put out suet I think they decided to stay a bit also it was a bit cooler and rainy than usual.

New Mexico May 6- 8.

These are mostly birds I only see at this time of the year.

Ive seen a lone Stellar Jay a few times.

These Blacked headed Grosbeaks will stay.

Yellow Rumped Warbler passing through.

This Lazuli Bunting also I see passing through never more than one at a time.

This Tohee seems to have stayed around.

This Rose breasted Grosbeak travels with other Grosbeaks and I seem to have seen him before also.

There used to be more Bluebirds around.

A Bullocks Oriole which may stay around?

I usually will see a single Tanager or two also.

This Gold finch is maybe lost, an eastern species, different from ours.

These Hummingbirds seemed early.

This bird from Espanola, in a field. Mountain Bluebird.

Buena Vista Reserve, Colorado

3rd of May 2014. Buena Vista Reserve. I stopped to see if the Cranes were there. I guess they already left.